A proposed infill development on the site of a seven-storey, non-profit long-term-care home near Yorkville has reignited tensions between those pushing for more seniors’ housing and local residents concerned about …
A mid-rise mixed-use residential development proposed for an infill site in Toronto’s west end would bring significant new housing to the area, whil ...
The City of Toronto is exploring the future of its strip mall plazas, many of which are located within inner suburban neighbourhoods and on sites cons ...
A mixed-use mid-rise development proposed for a vacant site in Toronto’s Leslieville neighbourhood would add purpose-built rental units to a main co ...
A purpose-built rental building proposed for a prime location in Toronto’s Annex neighbourhood will bring dozens of purpose-built rental units to the neighbourhood by demolishing two single-detached homes on the ...
As the Jane Finch neighbourhood faces monumental change due to the construction of the Finch West LRT, a new community development plan seeks to mitigate resident displacement and maintain the ...
A proactive team in the City of Toronto’s planning division working with a property owner willing to add more density than originally planned to its Scarborough-area development site has resulted ...
A resubmission of a revised application to redevelop a site on Bloor Street West makes several key changes to the original submission from March 2021, adding nearly 100 more residential units ...
A development proposal for a site near Toronto’s Little Jamaica neighbourhood would transform what is now a low-rise commercial and residential property into a mixed-use tower development accommodating significant purpose-built rental .. ...
A proposal to redevelop a large retail-focused Dundas Street West site near one of the city’s busiest transit hubs seeks to replace two existing low-rise retail buildings on the property with ...